Temperature around the world

This term we have been learning about the temperature at math . Our task was to search an app that has the world map and find the city’s of those countries temperature. We had to write the city’s  temperature right now and what was the hottest which was Abu Dhabi UAE and the coldest city which was Moscow Russia and Kyiv Ukraine . The hardest part of this was finding the countries that I didn’t know where they are .The easiest part was writing the temperature and degrees Celsius .





Adding Adjectives

Today we have been learning about adding adjectives into our writing . Our task was to make two sentences per slide and we have 3 photos to write about there was a pine cone , a shell , and a seashell . We had to write about it and make other slightly different , for example ( The brown , spiky pine cone lay on the ground ) and a different one is ( The pine cone , brown and spiky lay , on the ground ) .