Logic Puzzle

Today me and my buddy Hugo did this. It was a logic puzzle about Space explorer, where you had to read the clues and figure, if it was was first found or it was last found. We also has to figure out the colour of the planet. It was super easy me and my buddy finished it in like two minutes. We did this in math

By Panharith, See you again 🙂


Last week we have been learning about stars. My task was to make a slideshow about stars, I did mine with a buddy. I added an animation that shows facts. Did you know that our Sun is a yellow dwarf  star? The easiest part was adding the images and the animation. The hardest part was writing the facts.  What do you know about stars.

Te Huarere

This term we have been learning about the weather in Te Reo Maori , and some weeks ago we and my buddy . Me and my buddy did 5 slides in total one title  page and 4 four slides asking my buddy question what is the weather . I added one snowing background , a sunny background , a raining background , and a  windy background . I also added a picture of me and my buddy saying the question . The hardest part was writing the words but I copied it in my book . The easiest part was putting the  pictures in .

The Sun drawing

This week we have been learning about the Sun and today’s task was to draw a Sun using a video . The hardest part was colouring it because I had to shade the colours  . One thing I learned about the Sun is that it is a yellow dwarf star .

Road Safety Week

Hi my name is Panharith and I go to South Hornby School , and last week I made this . It was about Road Safety Week which we were learning about . We were learning about the hazards at our school one of them when your mum or dad are dropping you off a car is not paying attention they might hit you . Something the was challenging was writing the hazards because I didn’t know what to do . The easiest part was doing the background .

Temperature around the world

This term we have been learning about the temperature at math . Our task was to search an app that has the world map and find the city’s of those countries temperature. We had to write the city’s  temperature right now and what was the hottest which was Abu Dhabi UAE and the coldest city which was Moscow Russia and Kyiv Ukraine . The hardest part of this was finding the countries that I didn’t know where they are .The easiest part was writing the temperature and degrees Celsius .





Adding Adjectives

Today we have been learning about adding adjectives into our writing . Our task was to make two sentences per slide and we have 3 photos to write about there was a pine cone , a shell , and a seashell . We had to write about it and make other slightly different , for example ( The brown , spiky pine cone lay on the ground ) and a different one is ( The pine cone , brown and spiky lay , on the ground ) .

Self Portrait


This week we have been learning about Google drawing . Our task was to take a photo of yourself and use Google drawing  to draw yourself and use the curve tool to trace around our face . The hardest part was the nose , eyes , mouth . The easiest was the face structure and the hair and half of the body .

Show Don’t Tell

Today at school we have been learning about show don’t tell . It is basically you can’t tell the emotion the person is feeling like ( Angry ) I was running away because of my teacher told me to move away from my friend .


I hate the person next to me because he was tapping me and talking to me but I refused to talk with him 


As we just sat there in silence we had nothing to do .


I covered my face to the people in the crowd .


As my jaw dropped and my mouth opened I just saw my dad carrying  a puppy . 


As I smiled to see my mum carrying toys out of the car .